A2 Maker Faire 2015

Your data (in more detail), coming soon! Remember to keep track of your ID number if you are interested in comparing your tapping performance to others’ and to previous findings.


A first pass at the data: The first plot shows preferred spontaneous motor tempo as a function of age. The second plot shows preferred tempo and fastest and slowest motor tempos as a function of age. The y-axis unit — inter-tap interval (ITI) — is the time between taps. As a reference, if your ITI is 600ms, that would correspond to tapping along to a song with a beat at about 100 bpm.


SMTbyAge_060815 SMTTLimbyAge_060815

I’m working on embedding a chart that will show the ID number when you scroll over a dot with the mouse cursor…Unfortunately, my web / coding skills are not as advanced as my data analysis skills.


Thanks to everybody who stopped by my booth and participated. I had a lot of fun chatting with everyody and sharing my excitement for some of the work we do in the TAP lab!


Here is a reference that is relevant to the experiments I was demonstrating at the Faire:

McAuley, J. D., Jones, M. R., Holub, S., Johnston, H. M., & Miller, N. S. (2006). The time of our lives: life span development of timing and event tracking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 135(3), 348.


Disclaimer: Please note, none of this data is intended to be used for diagnostic purposes. I am a research scientist, not a medical professional. The views expressed on this website are my own, and are not intended to reflect in any official way the views of Michigan State University (MSU), or of the Timing, Attention, and Perception Laboratory at MSU, or any other institution with which I may be affiliated.

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